Thursday, 25 June 2009

Askrigg, Friday, June 12, 2009 - A proper pub

Fred having volunteered to drive Pete and myself (Alan), we arrived safely at Askrigg only a couple of minutes after our 10.30 am target, sun was shining, all was right with the world. We were immediately impressed to see that Chris had got the ale situation well under control... with not one, but two drays making deliveries to the White Rose as we arrived. (Slightly concerned that one of them seemed to be delivering John Smith's!)
John K., Mike and Curls were there waiting for us and we were soon off on the first half of the day's walking up Mill Gill to Mill Gill Force and Whitfield Gill Force. Despite his retirement from teaching, Curls was determined to educate us and showed us the water supply which ran from Mill Gill to a generator installed in a small barn which supplied the first domestic electricity in the UK. There was much speculation, as to where they would have bought their light bulbs etc., but we were duly impressed. One or two of us noted the use of ducting/gravity to transport liquids - a subject to which we were to return.
Lesson over we continued onward and upward, negotiating a series of extremely narrow stiles/squeezes through the field walls - never realised how tight these Tykes were! At the top of the gill we eventually followed a path which in winter would probably have provided a fine view of Whitfield Gill Force but in June only trees and bushes! Returning back down we had a better view of Mill Gill as we crossed the footbridge back to Low Straights Lane and eventually back down to Askrigg for lunch at the White Rose.
Now joined by Paul and Martin (I think I got the timing right) the initial sorties were made to the bar - pints of Askrigg all round (brewed in a shed just behind the hotel) - although there seemed some doubt if the landlady would serve Mike as he was obviously a southerner! A second round was required to allow a comparison with Black Sheep - not a bad line up!
After a bite of lunch we set off for an afternoon stroll past Newbiggin to Woodhall and then back along the disused railway line to Askrigg. Just as we re-entered the village came across the Crown and we felt that it wouldn't be right to pass by on the other side - pints of McMullen's AK all round. Service by one of the customers, because the landlord was busy elsewhere, summed up for me a 'proper' pub.
Finally, got back to the White Rose where we were duly joined by Roger and John M. - so the party was complete - although Greeny was sadly unable to join us this year. Sat in the sunshine reflecting upon how the Askrigg was transported from the 'shed' to the bar. It was believed that a wheelbarrow was involved, but it was felt that without baffles this could be subject to some spillage - as the sunshine and beer improved the thought processes - we wondered if they could utilise the pipes from the hydro-electric generator Curls had told us about.
We ate in the White Rose and generally felt the food/choice was good. Some of us discovered the pool table and darts in the residents' lounge, Roger demonstrating the combined benefits of a misspent youth and a good memory, then the survivors joined Martin for some music to round off a full day, with perhaps the best turnout for the Friday Walk.

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