Sunday, 10 June 2007

The New Inn, Clapham - Sunday 10th June 2007 - Queen Victoria's Bloomers and Alan Bennett

Sunday breakfast sees a somewhat subdued A team after yesterdays extreme exertions and the two Johns, Chris and Fred leave soon after breakfast. Roger and Pete stay to read the papers while Martin, Alan, Paul, Steve and Mike decide to have a leisurely stroll along the intriguingly named Clapdale Drive .... beside "The Lake" then alongside Clapham Beck to visit the Ingleborough Cave at Upper Beck Head and the delights of Queen Victoria's Bloomers and other attractions.

Shortly after we finish the tour of the cave there is a mini-sleep outside on the grass in the warm sunshine. Eventually, we amble back to the New Inn to join the rest of the team only to find that the food has finished!

So we all wandered up to the Clapham Cafe. While we are waiting outside, as it was quite busy, who should we see entering the cafe but THE Alan Bennett. So if it's good enough for him .... Once inside we look at the menu for 5-10 min and then decide it's 5 rounds of bacon butties (the red-faced chef-ess slaving over a hot stove is not impressed with our order!).

See the full set of pictures here.........

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